The Return of the King

And now, look you to yet another.
Minas-Tirith, chief city of Gondor...
...last bastion of hope
for the powers of light and good.

From the battlement atop the citadel,
like a mariner in a mountainous ship...

:21:26 could look sheer down
upon the gate 700 feet below.

And still this was not the top.
Behold! The White Tower.
At the top, the banner of the stewards
who governed the city...

...its silken arms embracing
a domain more fitting Gwaihir...

...Lord of the Eagles
than those whose emblem it bore.

All this, Minas-Tirith was.
But now, under siege,
the sparkling gem of Gondor...

...had become dull and flawed
with the hell of war.

The once-lush fields of Pelennor,
now a wasted battleground...

...upon which Sauron's forces of evil
celebrated their victories.

Far superior in number
to the battle-ravaged Gondor forces...

...they mounted their monster oliphaunts...
:22:33 ride in the rocking, armored towers,
to their almost certain victory.

And in the heavens,
where no living thing dare now venture...

...Sauron's phantom lieutenants,
the Nazgul, astride their devil steeds...

...scream battle cries
of vile encouragement.
