The Return of the King

But now, under siege,
the sparkling gem of Gondor...

...had become dull and flawed
with the hell of war.

The once-lush fields of Pelennor,
now a wasted battleground...

...upon which Sauron's forces of evil
celebrated their victories.

Far superior in number
to the battle-ravaged Gondor forces...

...they mounted their monster oliphaunts...
:22:33 ride in the rocking, armored towers,
to their almost certain victory.

And in the heavens,
where no living thing dare now venture...

...Sauron's phantom lieutenants,
the Nazgul, astride their devil steeds...

...scream battle cries
of vile encouragement.

High in the White Tower, Lord Denethor,
Chief Steward of Gondor...

...his mind broken
as his city crumbled about him...

...had succumbed
to an eerie fire of the brain...

...and, in his madness,
ordered his own execution.

-You must stop him!
-His word is law!

I'll find Gandalf!
The Hobbit, Pippin, who had proved
a most valuable assistant for me...

...rushed to the battlement.
Where l, Gandalf...
...and the Gondor generals searched
the distance in vain...

...for a sign of our rescuers.
For we awaited Theoden...
...a valuable ally,
lord of the friendly nation of Rohan...

...for whom we had dispatched
Pippin's Hobbit friend, little Merry...

:23:59 inform him of our perilous condition
and to beseech his aid.
