
Please stop that!
Hobson how good to see you!
-Thank you so much.
-Not at all.

l've taken the liberty of
anticipating your condition. . .

. . .and l've brought you orange juice,
coffee and aspirins.

Or do you need to throw up?
Gloria, l would like you
to meet Hobson.

My best friend in the world.
l relish the compliment.
lt is thrilling to meet you, Gloria.
You obviously have a wonderful
economy with words, Gloria.

l look forward to your next
syllable with great eagerness.

As we all can see,
it's a lovely day.

Which would seem to indicate
that the night is over.

l have arranged breakfast
for you on the east patio.

This is a robe.
Please put it on.

Say goodbye to her, Arthur.
Do you know what
l'm going to do?

No, l don't.
l'm going to take a bath.
l'll alert the media.
Do you want to
run my bath for me?

lt's what l live for.
