
Oh, God! l can't bear it.
Come in.
Shall l get the car, Mr. Bach?
No thanks, Bitterman.
Tonight l'll drive myself.
How often does
a young man get engaged?

Where's Mr. Hobson?
Mr. Hobson was tired, sir.
He's resting.

He's been tired
quite a bit lately.

l'm sure he's fine, sir.
Will you cut it out?
l didn't mean to tell you,
but l've got a tumor.

Did the lights go off?
Just talk to me, okay?
With a tumor in my head?
Listen, Arthur.
There are three books. . . .
This is important.

Take them back. . .
. . .to the library.
Don't die anymore.
lt's getting very boring.

l've only got a cold.
Now go and get engaged.

l just told Linda
l was getting engaged.

l don't know why.
A tart like that could
save you a fortune in prostitutes.

Listen, old man.
Don't ever talk about
her that way again.

She's the best person l know!
Goddamn it,
why are you such a snob?!

l raised my voice to you.
l've never done that before.
