Chariots of Fire

Her kid brother is athletics-mad.
Always talking about me!

Monty, you'd beter have my glass.
I've a terrible feeling you're going to need it.

Sorry, Monty.
Yes, thank you very much, sir.
Yes, of course I will, sir.
Good evening, Miss Gordon!
A triumph, I hear.
Who was that chap over there?
Music critic of the Star.
- Boring old buffer, really.
- Well, he obviously enjoyed it.

I shouldn't think so.
They always say that.
They save the poison for the print.

- A bit off tonight, I thought.
- What? You were magnificent!

Thank you.
One of my litle maids has gone and
got herself preggers with a gondolier.

We had to shove her second on tonight.
The trio...

- Your usual, Miss Gordon?
- Thank you, Toffy.

And you, sir.
Thank you.
This is Mr Abrahams.
He's a very famous runner.

He's trying your special
for the first time tonight.

- I hope you enjoy it, sir.
- I'm sure I shall.

Well, go on then!
It's a secret concoction of Toffy's,
a sort of cocktail de maison,
so you'd jolly well beter enjoy it.
- Excellent.
- There, Toffy!

You've won yourself a friend for life.
My favourite, please.
