Chariots of Fire

- Boring old buffer, really.
- Well, he obviously enjoyed it.

I shouldn't think so.
They always say that.
They save the poison for the print.

- A bit off tonight, I thought.
- What? You were magnificent!

Thank you.
One of my litle maids has gone and
got herself preggers with a gondolier.

We had to shove her second on tonight.
The trio...

- Your usual, Miss Gordon?
- Thank you, Toffy.

And you, sir.
Thank you.
This is Mr Abrahams.
He's a very famous runner.

He's trying your special
for the first time tonight.

- I hope you enjoy it, sir.
- I'm sure I shall.

Well, go on then!
It's a secret concoction of Toffy's,
a sort of cocktail de maison,
so you'd jolly well beter enjoy it.
- Excellent.
- There, Toffy!

You've won yourself a friend for life.
My favourite, please.
- For two.
- My pleasure.

What have I ordered?
- Cheerio.
- Cheerio.

Well... the great Harold Abrahams.
My brother will be insanely jealous.
So will mine.
You don't look very ruthless.
Should I?
According to my brother.
Tim says that's why you always win.

- Why running?
- Why singing?

It's my job.
No, that's silly. I do it because I love it.
Do you love running?
I'm more of an addict.
It's a compulsion. A weapon.

- Against what?
- Being Jewish, I suppose.
