Eye of the Needle

Dearly beloved brethren,
the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

He gives us the sheep
and we... give him back the bones.
Lucy, I think I've offended
your mother again.

I'm right here, David.
You may address me directly.

- A tantalising invitation.
- David, please...

Drink up, darling.
- You'll be packed and ready, won't you?
- You needn't worry. I'm ready now.

Mother, I apologise for David.
He finds it difficult to be with people now.

- You understand?
- Of course, darling.

- My poor girl.
- No. I'm all right.

We're all all right. Aren't we, Tom?
Aye, indeed we are.
Well, goodbye, Mistress.
These are for you and your husband.

There's little enough to eat
in London at the moment.

Thank you, Tom.
Thank you, Tom.
Come on, Tom.
He's drunk.
- Is he always like that?
- Most of the time, but he's a good friend.

Any time you want to come home,
you and Jo...

My home is here, Mother,
with David and Jo.

It was you who told me not to expect
marriage to be uninterrupted pleasure.
