
Consec surveillance
has gradually lost contact
with all the names on our list,

and I submit that this...
this is not an accident.

I think we've lost them
to a program

far in advance of ours.
I can't believe it.
I think you might
elaborate, Dr. Ruth.

In my study of the situation
I've come to the conclusion

That there is
a scanner underground

Developed in north america.
It has an organization
that's well-motivated,

and it has a leader.
Now, that's ridiculous, doctor.
You can't get 2 of them
to sit in the same room together
without going berserk.

You're making a very
provocative allegation, Dr. Ruth.

Who controls this group?
If you study the descriptions
in this report,

You will find that you
probably met him last night.

His name is Darryl Revok,
and he was on our list.
This is total fiction.
Mr. Trevellyan, I...

A moment, Mr. Keller.
What do you suggest, doctor?
Eliminate the competition.
Contact a scanner who is as yet
unknown to the underground,

convert him to out cause
and then send him out

to infiltrate the underground.
Convert him, doctor? How?
They're all pathetic social misfits.
Unstable. Unreliable.

That is because their unique gifts
are not understood, Mr. Keller.

There is one point
about which there
is no doubt at all,

and that is that consec was attacked.
For our own peace of mind,
we have to retaliate in some way,
and I think
Dr. Ruth's suggestion

is a very interesting one.
Except that...
We don't have ant scanners left
to send into the field.

As a matter of fact,
I do have one,
still unaffiliated.
Very special one.
