The Entity

They're trying to help.
- Help who?
- Me.

I don't know what you mean.
I've been sick, Jerry.
Sick? What kind of sick?
Things have come to me... in the night.
- Nightmares, you mean?
- Yeah.

Like nightmares. Exactly. I mean...
Those people you saw in the house,
they're psychologists, they're doctors.

They have a theory that there's something in
the house that is keeping me from sleeping...

...and they're trying to fix it.
Some ofthem looked
pretty young to be doctors.

- Oh, you're mad.
- It's not a question of mad.

- Yeah, you're mad.
- Yeah, OK, since you ask.

Who brings university kids
into their house because they can't sleep?

- You can't sleep, you take a pill, see a doctor.
- I'm not giving a party. I'm really not.

All I'm asking for is a simple explanation.
I still don't know what's bugging you.

- I mean, don't treat me like ajerk, OK?
- I'm sorry.

Trust me. Just tell me
what the hell's happening.

I don't know. I mean, I don't know
the difference between what is happening...

...and what I think might be happening.
The only thing I know
is that it started when you left.

I don't say that with any kind of blame
or accusation, but that is when it started.

When what started, Carly? What?
All right.
OK. I was...
I was attacked.
It's not happening now, so don't worry.

You were attacked?
By who? Who attacked you?

Nobody you can see.
Oh, God. It sounds so crazy.
I mean, it was like a horrible dream.

Shit. I don't know how to explain it.
It sounds crazy every time I explain it.
