The Entity

Jerry was her only contact with reality.
I want those two guys banished from her life.

I don't see what Ican do.
Go to the dean. Maybe he can do something.
Maybe he can pull those creeps back.

Do you realise what you're asking?
That's a month-Iong debate.
It could get very complicated.

All this for Carla Moran?
Somebody's gotta look after her.
Let her go, Phil. You don't have any choice.
Professionally or personally.

As you can see, this is a freshly cut rose.
And this is a container of liquid helium.
473 degrees below zero.
This is the coldest substance known to man.

Anything frozen at this temperature
will shatter at the slightest touch.

What we are seeking is
to determine ifthis entity has mass.

If in fact this is the case,
then we should be able to freeze it...

...verify its objective existence
and prove it isn'tjust a psychic projection...

- It's gonna work.
...but rather an independent force...

...from some other level of reality
that has never been isolated.

Here she is.
Mrs Moran.
Let me take your bag.
It's good to see you. We're all very excited
to get the experiment under way.

- Welcome.
- Mrs Moran?

See you later.
Have you made arrangements
for your children?

- They're with a friend.
- Good.
