The Entity

What we are seeking is
to determine ifthis entity has mass.

If in fact this is the case,
then we should be able to freeze it...

...verify its objective existence
and prove it isn'tjust a psychic projection...

- It's gonna work.
...but rather an independent force...

...from some other level of reality
that has never been isolated.

Here she is.
Mrs Moran.
Let me take your bag.
It's good to see you. We're all very excited
to get the experiment under way.

- Welcome.
- Mrs Moran?

See you later.
Have you made arrangements
for your children?

- They're with a friend.
- Good.

Let me show you to your new house.
I'm afraid we're not able to provide you
with all the conveniences...

...but we hope you'll find it comfortable.
- And familiar.
- Watch your step.

Everyone's done a terrific job
in recreating your home.

- We did use different colours.
- And there are other differences.

No light switches.
We have to control the electricity.

This, of course, is the children's room.
The bed's in the wrong place.
Well, it doesn't matter.
There are no ceilings anywhere in the house.
That's for the television monitoring.

Except, of course, in the bathroom.
There is a ceiling, but no plumbing.

We'll supply you with all the water you need.
That's a chemical toilet.

- Does this look familiar?
- It's a good simulation.
