Fast Times at Ridgemont High

To doufám.
- Máma øekla, že máme vyèistit bazén.
- Tak to udìlej, ne?

Tví kamarádi chodí do bazénu.
Tví kamarádi ho zaneøádìj.

Tví kamarádi taky chodìj do bazénu.
Já vynáším odpadky!
''Myslím na tebe,
Ron Johnson''

- Už je máma s tátou vidìli?
- Ještì nejsou doma.

- Brad, have Mom and Dad seen these?
- They're not home yet.

- Brad?
- What?

What would you say if
I asked you to put these...

in the trunk of the Cruising Vessel
and get rid of them?

- I'd say, "Who the hell is Ron Johnson?"
- Please.

Thank you very much.
- Lisa's great!
- Yeah.

I don't understand why you want
to break up with a girl like that.

Me and Lisa have been going together
for two years. I love her and all.

I mean, she's great in bed.
It's just that...
I'm a single, successful guy.

And this is my last year in school.
This could be the best year of my life!

I just feel like I need
my freedom now, you know?
