Fast Times at Ridgemont High

- Brade?
- Co?

Co kdybys je dal...
do kufru Zábavního vozítka
a odvezl je pryè?

-A kdo je sakra Ron Johnson?
-Prosím tì.

Moc ti dìkuju.
Lisa je skvìlá!
Nechápu, proè se s takovou holkou
chceš rozejít.

Lisa a já spolu chodíme už dva roky.
Mám ji rád a vùbec.

Prostì je skvìlá v posteli.
Jenže, víš--
já jsem svobodnej, úspìšnej muž.

A tohle je mùj poslední rok ve škole.
Možná to je nejlepší rok mýho života!

Já prostì cejtím, že ted' potøebuju
bejt volnej, víš?

Tak, tady máš
všechno na pøípravu.

Nakrájený rajèata,
nasekanej salát, tajná omáèka.

Okay, here's your preparation stuff.
You got your sliced tomatoes,
shredded lettuce, secret sauce.

- What's the secret sauce?
- Thousand Island dressing.

What's the secret sauce
at Bronco Burger?

- Ketchup and mayonnaise.
- Gotcha.

Order for you, Bradley.
- Were those flowers really for me?
- Of course!

- How much did they cost?
- Don't worry about it.

Want to go to The Point tonight?
What's there to do at The Point?
What do you mean? We've been
going out together for two years.

I don't want to have to use sex
as a tool, Brad.

Tool? Tool for what?
We've been going together for two years!

- I don't want to talk about it here.
- I wanna talk about it!

- Brad?
- Lisa!

You gotta flip 'em, or they'll burn.

