La Balance

How're we supposed to work
in this mess?

For them, if you're white,
you're either a cop or a junky,

and the door slams in your face.
Tell me, Meddles,
where are your cowboy friends?

- They can't stomach it.
- Is Belge getting married soon?

I doubt it.
Nobody answers his personals.

I don't get it.
There are plenty of women here.

Anything new happening
in the neighborhood?

A shipment of smack
is coming in next week.

But I tipped off
thevice squad already.

- Then why tell us about it?
- So you know what's going on.

By the way, Meddles,
what's this about Paulo?

I heard he was a rat.
You fingered a rat?

- Who told you that?
- I heard it.

With rumors like that, no one will
talk to you in this neighborhood.

A pig who fingers
his own rat is a bastard.

We owe you anything
for this feast?

The same as usual.
Shalom, brothers.

Look, there's the captain and Belge.
They've got Djerbi and some junky.
The captain's a bit out of shape.
- Shall we help him out?
- Sure, why not?

Move your ass.
I'll fire a warning shot.
It might scare him.

Didn't work. He's flying now.
Turn right, quick!
