Le Gendarme et les gendarmettes

Come, come. Wait.
You have beautiful eyes.
Need a hand, Perlin?
- We shook of the gang.

No, chief, no.
- To the car. To the car.

Come closer, darlings.
Come closer.

Spying on half naked creatures.
You disappoint me, Mr Cruchot.

You're mistaken. My men are
out of line with our girls.

Aren't you out of line yourself?
You're possessed by the devil.
- I'm surveying.

Yes, look for yourself.
Do you see filthy Beaupied
with the black woman?

She's a real black.
You see them?
- No, nothing.

Wait. No, they're not there anymore.
They're gone.

Were here.
- You were there.

We just arrived, chief.
- Exactly.

It's the sun, chief.
Get a hold. And remember: if you
lie to us, you lie to God.

Come on, sister Thérèse.
I'll get you.
You took her paddling, didn't you?

What are you talking about?
- Yes, paddling.
