Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl

Yes, I see, tha-tha-that's it, is it?
Ah, well, yes, that's it.
Yes, yes, yes. It's not particularly
silly, is it?

I mean, the left leg isn't silly
at all and the right leg

merely does a forward aerial O'Brien
half turn every alternate step.

Yes, but I feel with a federal
grant I could make it a lot more silly.

Mr. Stagback, the very real
problem is one of finance.

You see, there's defense, education, housing,
health, social security, silly walks.

They're all supposed to
get the same. But last year

the government spent less on Silly Walks
than they did on industrial reorganisation.

We're supposed to get 348 million pounds a year
to cover our entire Silly Walks programme. Coffee?

Yes, please.
Hello, uh, Mrs. Twolumps, uhm, could
we have two cups of coffee, please.

Yes, Mr. Teabag.
Mad as a hatter. You see, the
Israelis already have a man

who can take his own left leg off
and swallow it with every alternate step,

whereas the Japanese, cunning
electronically obsessed little...

Yes, thank you, Mrs. Twolumps.
You''re really interested
in silly walks, aren't you?

Right, well, take a look at this!
