
l'm sorry. I can't.
Why not?
l have a date.
Mr. Gilder! Are you lost?
No, ma'am.
Why don't you return to your own seat
and get back to work.

Arnie, stay here
so we can talk this over.

Mister, this is not a hotel
you can just drop into.

- l don't need this.
- What do you need?

- l need to leave. l'm late.
- You come back here this instant.

Oh, shit.
Greetings to you too.
Hey, man, no glasses.
You're lookin' good.

l can't make it.
l meant to call you, but l forgot.

ls Dennis going with you?
- Are you going with him?
- Am l?

No. l've gotta do an errand
for Darnell.

- You need a ride?
- Got his car. Thanks, though.

l'm sorry about the movie,
but this is work. Gotta go.

- Don't worry about it.
- Did you have plans with Dennis?

You are going to have no friends at all
if you keep treating people this way.

Get off my back!
You're his best friend.
What's going on?
