Sans soleil

Meanwhile, I have no difficulty with local earthquakes.
But I must say that last night's quake
helped me greatly to grasp a problem.

Poetry is born of insecurity:
wandering Jews, quaking Japanese;

by living on a rug that jesting nature
is ever ready to pull out from under them

they've got into the habit of moving
about in a world of appearances: fragile, fleeting, revocable,

of trains that fly from planet to planet,
of samurai fighting in an immutable past.

That's called 'the impermanence of things.'
I did it all.
All the way to the evening shows for adults—so called.
The same hypocrisy as in the comic strips,
but it's a coded hypocrisy.

Censorship is not the mutilation of the show,
it is the show.

The code is the message.
It points to the absolute by hiding it.
That's what religions have always done.
That year, a new face appeared among the great ones
that blazon the streets of Tokyo: the Pope's.

Treasures that had never left the Vatican were shown
on the seventh floor of the Sogo department store.

He wrote me:
curiosity of course, and the glimmer
of industrial espionage in the eye

—I imagine them bringing out within two years time a more efficient
and less expensive version of Catholicism—

but there's also the fascination associated with the sacred,
even when it's someone else's.
