Terms of Endearment

Let's see. That's $38.40...
You don't have enough money?
I don't have any cheques. I guess
I'll have to put some things back.

Can I have the register key?
She doesn't have enough money!

It's no big thing.
I brought the wrong purse.

Here, take this.
41 .35.
- You said I could have something!
- I won't give her real food.

- Give her this.
- No way!

- 40.35.
- Mom!

All right. Here.
40.75. We're going
in the wrong direction.

Why do you have to be so damn nasty?
It's not going to help anything.
We're both people, you know?
I don't need it.
Mrs Horton, I'm Sam Burns
from the bank.

I turned you down on the second
on your house.

Oh, of course.
I remember who you are.

Can I help you make up
the difference?

Thanks. I'd appreciate it.
I'll pay you back tomorrow.

You're a very rude young woman.
I know Douglas and I doubt he'd want
you treating customers so badly.

I don't think
I was treating her badly.

Then you must be from New York.
