The Meaning of Life

Don't shoot. Don't shoot. We're not a tiger.
We were just...
Why are you dressed as a tiger?
- Oh, why, why, why?
- Isn't it a lovely day today?

Answer the question.
- We were just...
- Well, we're dressed like this because...

No, that's not it.
We did it for a laugh.
Part of a spree. High spirits.

- Simple as that.
- Nothing more to it.

Actually, we're on a mission
for British intelligence.

- There's a pro-tsarist Ashanti Chief...
- No, no, no.

- No, no, no.
- No. We're doing it for an advertisement.

That's it. Forget about the Russians.
We're doing an advert
for Tiger brand coffee.

"Tiger brand coffee is a real treat.
Even tigers prefer a cup of it to real meat."

Now, look...
All right, all right.

We are dressed as a tiger because
he has an auntie who did it in 1839.

- This is the 50th anniversary.
- We're doing it for a bet.

- God told us to do it.
- To tell the truth, we are completely mad.

We're inmates
of a Bengali psychiatric institution...

and we escaped by making this skin
out of old used cereal packets.

It doesn't matter!

It doesn't matter
why they're dressed as a tiger.

Have they got my leg?
Good thinking. Well, have you?
- Actually...
- Yes?

We were thinking of training as taxidermists.
We wanted the feel
from the animal's point of view.

Quiet! Now look, we're just asking you
if you've got this man's leg.

- A wooden leg?
- No, no, a proper leg.

He was fast asleep, and someone
or something came in and removed it.

Without waking him up?
- Yes.
- I don't believe you.

We found the tiger skin
in a bicycle shop in Cairo.

The owner wanted it taken to Dar es Salaam.
Shut up! Now look,
have you or have you not got his leg?
