To Be or Not to Be

To be...
Or not to be.
...or not to be.
Excuse me.
- That...
Pardon me.

:14:28 the que...
- Excuse me.

- Que... question.
Pardon me.
- Whether 'tis nobler in the mind...
- Excuse me.

:14:40 suffer the slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune.

Pardon me.
Or to take arms against
a sea of troubles...

...and by opposing, end them?
What happened? He's good tonight.
I can't believe it.
I'm actually sitting here with you.

- You're Anna Bronski.
- Yes, I am.

You're the one who's been
sending flowers.

- They're expensive. You shouldn't.
- It's okay. My father's a florist.

- And that must be Mutki. Hello, Mutki.
Oh, you know his name.

I know everything about you. I've read
every word written on Anna Bronski.

- How's Kishka?
- Who?

- Kishka, your canary.
- Oh, Kishka, my canary.

I have some very bad news for you.
The cat got him.

- Moska?
- Who?

Moska, your cat?
Yes. Moska, my cat.
Yes, yes. Moska ate Kishka.

I'm sorry to hear that. I love
that picture of you on the farm.

You behind the plow.
By the way, where was that?

- In the Chronicle.
- No, where's the farm?

Oh, the farm!
