Vivement dimanche!

I think I know her. Don't you?
I've no idea.
Watch out!
I'd like to see Mr. Vercel.
He's not here. Can I help you?
I wanted to talk
to him about a chateau.

A chateau...
for a summer camp.
Do you want to rent it, or buy it?
Perhaps an annuity purchase.
It's risky...
You must wait
till the owners are deceased.

But our camp's only open
3 months a year.

Even so,
you can't evict the owners.

They're generally elderly.
My vacation camp
is for adolescents.

It's rarely for senior citizens!
Think it over.
I'd like to get going
by next year.
Kids need a bracing climate,

something high up.
We have some nice properties,
between 900 and 1800 feet up.

The ads say
"a step from the ocean."

Do you want the mountains
or the beach?

You seem a little confused.
Isn't this Mr. Vercel's agency?
Can't I speak to him?
He's away at a convention...
the real estate convention.
You deal in real estate?
Does this look like
a grocery store?

I've got work to do.
Why don't you think things over.
Come back some other time.
Alright, I'll be back.
I'll surely be back.
If all our customers
were like that one...

What a creep!
