
- Don't touch the keys!
- I'm not touching the keys.

Excuse me.
This computer company's coming out
with these amazing new games soon.

The programs are probably
still on their computer.

So I told my system to search for other
computers in Sunnyvale, California.

They answer with a tone that other
computers can recognise. You hear?

You're calling every number
in Sunnyvale?

- Isn't that expensive?
- There's ways around that.

You can go to jail for that.
Only if you're over 18.
Is this going to take a long time?
I'd like to get my grade changed.

Oh. That's funny, actually.
I already changed it.
- I told you not to do that.
- Yeah, I know.

But I figured you'd change your mind.
I didn't want you to flunk.

- Well, what did I get?
- You got a D.

- You gave me a D?
- No. You got an A.

- I was kidding.
- Oh.

Well, that's OK.
Here. Let's see what we have so far.
Excuse me.
Did you really give me an A?
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

Hey! You got a bank!
Gotta make a note of that one.
Might come in handy someday.

Pan Am.
- Where shall we go?
- Anywhere?

- Anywhere.
- New York?

- New York. OK.
- No, Paris. Paris.

Will you be travelling alone?
Yeah... No. You wanna go with me?
