
I told him that,
but he won't listen to me.

Your Majesty,
you give such wonderful...

...such royal advice. May I...?
Well, there it is.
Wolfie, will you get some water?
Will you get some water, please?
Wolfie, get some water!
Excuse me. Excuse me.
Did you know?
- What?
- The marriage.

What does it matter to you?
Nothing. He can marry who he pleases,
I don't give a damn.

How was I?
You were sublime.
And what did you think of the music?
Extremely clever.
Katerina, I...
Excuse me.
Is that woman still lying
on the floor?

- No, she's fine.
- Oh, I'm so relieved.

Dear Mozart,
my sincere congratulations.

- Did you like it then?
- How could I not?

It's the best music
in Vienna today, don't you agree?

She must be dazzling in bed.
I assume she's the virtuoso
in that department.
