
- What?
- The marriage.

What does it matter to you?
Nothing. He can marry who he pleases,
I don't give a damn.

How was I?
You were sublime.
And what did you think of the music?
Extremely clever.
Katerina, I...
Excuse me.
Is that woman still lying
on the floor?

- No, she's fine.
- Oh, I'm so relieved.

Dear Mozart,
my sincere congratulations.

- Did you like it then?
- How could I not?

It's the best music
in Vienna today, don't you agree?

She must be dazzling in bed.
I assume she's the virtuoso
in that department.

No other reason why
you'd marry someone like that.

Come in.
Excuse me.
Wolfie, Mom isn't feeling very well.

- Can we go home?
- Yes.

No, no, no.
You can't take him away now.

This is his night.
Won't you introduce us, Wolfgang?
Excuse us, "Fräulein".
Good night, "signore".

At that moment I knew,
beyond any doubt...

... he'd had her.
The creature had had my darling girl.
It was incomprehensible!
What was God up to?
Was it possible I was being tested?
Was God expecting me
to offer forgiveness...
