Broadway Danny Rose

Nobody in the audience
is under 80 years oId.

He's on stage, doing his act,
two peopIe get heart attacks.

So naturaIIy
he became a personaI manager.

You can't do a good act,
you become a personaI manager.

But his acts were so devoted.
They Ioved him.

Where you gonna find
that kind of devotion today?

The funniest Danny Rose story is the time
he's handIing a hypnotist. A hypnotist.

He's got the guy working
the CatskiII mountains.

The hypnotist brings up this
Jewish Iady and hypnotises her.

Tessie! Tessie!
- The body is warm. It's a good sign.
- Yes, that's a good sign.

Tessie! Tessie!
I promise you, if your wife
never wakes up again,...

..I wiII take you to
any restaurant of your choice, OK?

Do you Iike Chinese food?
AII right, you finished? Excuse me.
HoId it, hoId it. Are you finished?

Are you finished? Because I have
the greatest Danny Rose story.

HoId it now. Are you finished?
I have the greatest
Danny Rose story, aII right?

You wanna do anything?
This is gonna take some time.

- Can I caII home?
- Go ahead.

- Coffee.
- Are you ready?

We're gonna be here a whiIe.
This is the greatest Danny Rose story.

- This is the one with Lou Canova.
- The taII guy, the singer? The ItaIian kid?

He was the kid that had
those semi-hit records?

He had a record, I think, caIIed ''Agita''.
It was on the charts for about 1 5 minutes.

This is not during those 1 5 minutes.
This is 2รป5 years Iater.

And Lou cannot get anybody
to handIe him. The man's in troubIe.

And the onIy one who
beIieves in him is Danny Rose.

And by now, you gotta remember,
Lou is a has-been,...

..he's got a big ego, a temperament
and a sIight drinking probIem,...

..and Danny has faith.
% I Iike the Iooks of you
