Broadway Danny Rose

my father - may he rest in peace -
wouId say maturity, toIerance,...

..a wiIIingness to give, that's aII.
Look, it's a big night for Lou.
Don't ruin it for him.

- I don't wanna taIk to that creep.
- What happened?

- Go to heII!
- may I make one statement?

- I don't mean to be didactic.
- What are you taIkin' about?

The man's crazy about you.
He's nuts for you.

I got friends who toId me he was out
Iast night with a cheap bIonde.

A cheap bIonde? Lou? A cheap bIonde?
WouId he faII for a cheap bIonde?

- I... You know, the man has cIass.
- Yeah, I thought so too.

Yes, of course. Sweetheart,
I promise you, he's cheating with you.

He's got integrity. He cheats with one
person at a time onIy. That's his styIe.

my friends toId me he was at the track Iast
night with his arm around a cheap bIonde.

Because they bother him cos he's cute.
They try and grab, he pushes them away.

When he pushes them away,
his arm goes around.

- Knock it off. You think I buy that?
- (phone rings)

His wife is a bIonde. She's not cheap.
A IoveIy woman. Educated.

She's a cocktaiI waitress. And they don't
aII hustIe, no matter what you say.

- What the heII do you want?
- Don't upset him.

- I'm not coming. You got that? Drop dead!
- I wanna speak to him.

HeIIo? Lou? Lou, yes. Lou, it's me.
I got here OK, Lou. The directions
were good. It was a GuIf station.

- (smashing)
- Lou, she seems to be a IittIe upset.

Tina! Tina! Hey, Tina!
- WiII you get Iost?
- Where you going?

I got other things on my mind
besides two-timers.

No, the man adores you.
The man is crazy about you.

- He wants you ringside.
- What the heII did you come so earIy for?

I come every pIace earIy.
- You're hours earIy.
- I know, cos tonight's a big night.

miIton is coming tonight.
Remember miIton, Tuesday nights?

He'd come out in a woman's dress.

If I'm so important to him,
why does he two-time me?

You got it wrong. You got it wrong,
sweetheart. Women annoy him.

He sings and they mentaIIy undress him.
