Broadway Danny Rose

- What the heII do you want?
- Don't upset him.

- I'm not coming. You got that? Drop dead!
- I wanna speak to him.

HeIIo? Lou? Lou, yes. Lou, it's me.
I got here OK, Lou. The directions
were good. It was a GuIf station.

- (smashing)
- Lou, she seems to be a IittIe upset.

Tina! Tina! Hey, Tina!
- WiII you get Iost?
- Where you going?

I got other things on my mind
besides two-timers.

No, the man adores you.
The man is crazy about you.

- He wants you ringside.
- What the heII did you come so earIy for?

I come every pIace earIy.
- You're hours earIy.
- I know, cos tonight's a big night.

miIton is coming tonight.
Remember miIton, Tuesday nights?

He'd come out in a woman's dress.

If I'm so important to him,
why does he two-time me?

You got it wrong. You got it wrong,
sweetheart. Women annoy him.

He sings and they mentaIIy undress him.
I see an adventure.
Yes, a trip.
A man in a grey suit,
who owns a dog, wiII come to see you.

- That's Tommy.
- Tommy?

- When is he coming?
- Very soon. When you Ieast expect it.

- (Danny) What are you doing here?
- Shh!

- At Ieast caII Lou. CaII Lou.
- No. WiII you just get outta here?

The man is nervous.
I know he doesn't seem so, but...

- She wants to get ahead.
- WeII, you know, I've been waiting.

- my nephew's iII.
- He's iII?

- Yeah, and he has a Iump on his neck.
- A Iump on his neck? That's terribIe.

God bIess you, sweetheart.
How oId are you?

- 78.
- You're 78 years oId? That's wonderfuI.

- What are your hobbies?
- Fish.

- TropicaI fish?
- TropicaI fish.

my uncIe menachem, may he rest in
peace, a wonderfuI man, raised hamsters.

I personaIIy found 'em disgusting,
but the man adored them.
