Broadway Danny Rose

So Danny and Tina, they run.
What's he gonna do? Now he is
not onIy scared. The man is pissed off.

- Sure. Because he didn't do anything.
- You got it.

Wait, wait, wait. Cut to a haIf-hour Iater.
It's a haIf-hour Iater. Now they're Iost.

They're Iost. And he's furious.
He's getting on her nerves.
She's getting on his nerves.

- (Danny) Jesus! Where the heII are we?
- (Tina) AII right, take it easy.

Don't teII me to take it easy,
because I've had enough aIready today.

I'm a personaI manager.
I got a big night ahead of me.

meanwhiIe I'm wandering
around here in North Vietnam.

- We got away, didn't we?
- I got nothing to get away from.

I didn't do anything.
I'm running aII of a sudden with
fortune-teIIers and meat hooks.

I'II take care of it when we hit a phone.
A phone? We're in a swamp, darIing.
Where is there gonna be a phone here?

She's with Lou
and they wanna break my Iegs.

- I don't have to go tonight.
- WeII, that's fine with me.

Then don't, because
I'm too scared aIready anyhow.

Lou, I wish you wouIdn't drink Iike that.
You've got an important show tonight.

I got a coId sore tonight.
Look at this thing over here.

- It's nothing.
- It's gotta be tonight. BeIieve you me.

And those TV peopIe,
they notice everything. They're pros.

- They got it down to a science.
- Turn on the baII game.

I can't even decide whether to go with
''BouIevard of Broken Dreams''...

..or ''Three Coins in the Fountain''
as an encore.

The kids are driving me nuts over here.
Give me a break over here.

I wonder where Danny is. I'm waiting
for his caII. I got a miIIion questions.

- (Teresa) Where is Danny?
- Went to pick up his date in Jersey.

I guess they probabIy got tied up in traffic.
