Broadway Danny Rose

I didn't do anything.
I'm running aII of a sudden with
fortune-teIIers and meat hooks.

I'II take care of it when we hit a phone.
A phone? We're in a swamp, darIing.
Where is there gonna be a phone here?

She's with Lou
and they wanna break my Iegs.

- I don't have to go tonight.
- WeII, that's fine with me.

Then don't, because
I'm too scared aIready anyhow.

Lou, I wish you wouIdn't drink Iike that.
You've got an important show tonight.

I got a coId sore tonight.
Look at this thing over here.

- It's nothing.
- It's gotta be tonight. BeIieve you me.

And those TV peopIe,
they notice everything. They're pros.

- They got it down to a science.
- Turn on the baII game.

I can't even decide whether to go with
''BouIevard of Broken Dreams''...

..or ''Three Coins in the Fountain''
as an encore.

The kids are driving me nuts over here.
Give me a break over here.

I wonder where Danny is. I'm waiting
for his caII. I got a miIIion questions.

- (Teresa) Where is Danny?
- Went to pick up his date in Jersey.

I guess they probabIy got tied up in traffic.
- Who's his date?
- How do I know? Some broad.

- Jesus. We're in the middIe of nowhere.
- I never saw so many reeds in my Iife.

- I feeI Iike moses.
- Lou's probabIy worried sick.

Lou is probabIy drinking out of the
promotionaI-size whisky bottIe by now.

Hey, wait a minute. I know where we are.
These are the fIatIands.

my husband's friends
used to dump bodies here.

Great. I'm sure you can show me
aII the points of cuIturaI interest.

Hey, who are you?
(Danny) Who are you?
- Who are you?
- We're Iost.

We're shooting a commerciaI
down by the river.

Fantastic! UnbeIievabIe!
What a break! I'm Danny Rose,
theatricaI management. God bIess you.

- This is Tina...
- VitaIe.

Hi. I'm Ray Webb, the actor.
How you doin', babe?

Listen, we gotta get a car. Is it possibIe?
- There are no cars out here tiII tonight.
- We need one now. It's an emergency.

I'm a theatricaI manager, so I gotta see
BerIe at the WaIdorf Iater. miIton BerIe.
