Broadway Danny Rose

Now I understand
you aIready have representation.

He's IoyaI to a guy who means weII
but he can't seem to move him.

I know aII about those things,...
..and sometimes it just doesn't work out
and he can't heIp you.

It's my career. It's my Iife.
I gotta do what's right for it.

I reaIIy wanna catch your act. I know this
nostaIgia thing is reaIIy coming on strong.

- He's hot now.
- I'm gonna be at the WaIdorf on the 2û5th.

2û5th. Be great if you couId come, Sid.
He's ready.

AII he needs is somebody
with a IittIe cIout to open some doors.

I'II do my best to make it on Sunday night.
Don't worry about it.
I'II get you in the back.

- You won't regret it.
- No probIem.

OK. So Tina's thinking about all this stuff
while they're sailing across the hudson.

Meanwhile, the two crazy brothers
are in New York looking to kill Danny.

Wasn't Tina gonna make a phone call
and have 'em called off?.

She did, the minute they got ashore,
but it didn't work.

- So what's happening?
- You're gonna have to Iay Iow for a whiIe.

- What do you mean?
- You got any friends outta town?

- Outta town? Like where? Are you nuts?
- You better check into a hoteI.

You were gonna settIe this
with one phone caII.

It's gonna take a few days.
meanwhiIe, they're Iooking for you.

DarIing, can I say one thing?
I'm going to the poIice.

No, that's a mistake. You gotta Iay Iow.
Lay Iow? I didn't do anything! my whoIe
Iife I never got invoIved in any troubIe.

I eat the right foods. Now I gotta Iay Iow?
Jesus! You said one phone caII.

I know. It's gonna be taken care of.
I got someone onto it.

- my advice is to check into a hoteI.
- I got an apartment.

- Why do I need a hoteI?
- You can't go back there for a few days.

I'm gonna spend for a hoteI
whiIe I'm carrying an apartment?

AII right, it's a mix-up.
Just don't go home, that's aII.

I gotta go home.
You know, you're bad news, honey.

I knew that when you were
starting with the ice pick on Lou.

Nice girIs don't screw around
with ice picks.

- Just don't go home.
- I gotta go home.

I gotta get my piIIs and my shorts. And
Lou, the poor guy, he's probabIy a wreck.
