
No, no, no. Wait a minute.
I made sure. . . .
What's going on here?
What'd you say this was called?
A putrid stage?
Pupal. Pupal stage.
Like a butterfly.
Yeah, right.
This is a cocoon, and inside
he's going through changes.

Lots of changes.
Like my mother.
No, that's different.
This is called a metamorphosis.
It's a change in form. . .
. . .and in appearance.
Hi, honey!
No, I'm sure it works fine.
I was just out on the back porch
for a second.

The convention's great.
I said it's great!
Actually, the competition's. . . .
Sorry, miss.
The competition's a little more
advanced than I expected.

-I was giving myself an oil change.
-Some really neat things.

Oh, Rand.
You've never been so far
away on Christmas Eve before.

I know it's Christmas Eve.
I'll do the best I can.
All right. Bye-bye.
All I could get for it was $36!
If there's anything I can do. . . .
But it's completely out of my hands.
