
Hi, honey!
No, I'm sure it works fine.
I was just out on the back porch
for a second.

The convention's great.
I said it's great!
Actually, the competition's. . . .
Sorry, miss.
The competition's a little more
advanced than I expected.

-I was giving myself an oil change.
-Some really neat things.

Oh, Rand.
You've never been so far
away on Christmas Eve before.

I know it's Christmas Eve.
I'll do the best I can.
All right. Bye-bye.
All I could get for it was $36!
If there's anything I can do. . . .
But it's completely out of my hands.

I'll be delighted--
Hello, Gerald.
I'm under such terrible pressure.

Why don't you just
speak to Mrs. Deagle about it?

Speak to Mrs. Deagle?
Mrs. Deagle!
Deposit this to my account.
Where's that psychotic canine?
Still hiding under the counter?
No, I'm afraid he's on vacation.
Better keep him behind locked doors,
because if I catch him. . .

. . .he's in for a slow death.
Here's Mr. Bird's heart.
Small animals lose heat
faster than large ones.

Their blood must circulate
faster to keep their bodies warm.

Now, in small birds...
... their hearts beat
about 600 times per minute.
