Kaze no tani no Naushika

You must not touch the Fukai...
Shut up!
I won't allow that kind of muttering.

My boy, what will you do?
Kill me?

Y... you!
Go ahead, kill me!
I'm old and blind.
It's simple enough.

Like you killed Jiru.
Lord Jiru ?
What does she said ? How terrible!
Even though Lord Jiru was ill!

Inhuman wretch! Murderers! Send them out!
Quiet them!
Don't be lenient with the disobedient ones.

Wait, everyone!
Listen to me...!
I don't want anyone else to die...
Please understand, Grandma...
Let's obey these people.
Pretty nice valley, isn't it...?
I disagree.
Our orders are to transport the God Soldier
to our native country as soon as possible.

The orders cannot be carried out.
Even the giant ship couldn't bear the weight
of that thing. It crashed.

But... You can't be serious to establish a state in such a place...
And what if I am?
You prefer that this monster becomes
the toy of these fools in Torumekia?

Well, i understand quite well but...
I am nothing more than a simple soldier
