
What? Then Einstein!
Einstein was also a woman!
I suppose Madame Curie, too?
That wasn't the best example...
Sorry, I got mixed up.
They speak of male inventions.
But what exactly have they invented?
Let's start at the beginning:
The male Cain invented crime,

and tested it out on his sister, Abel.
Another one invented prostitution,
slavery, cowardice, sloth.

All the evil in the world
is your fault,

from religious wars,
to cervical cancer!

The only things
were not responsible for

are hail, earthquakes,
and whooping cough!

Ours is a better world.
Why do they keep criticizing it?
Are you sure you're feeling well?
You've been thinking a lot lately.
A healthy organism lives and works.
A sick one introspects.

As we know, we are living
perfectly well without them.

We live in a peaceful world without
hunger, wars, venereal diseases,

and other male inventions.
Do you have any defense?
Take the floor.
With us, you finally have the chance
to bring everything back to normal.

You've been using test-tubes for
half a century, and you don't even know

what you've lost in the process!
In our world, you were on a pedestal,
wooed, loved, showered with flowers.

You were inspiration for poets,
a symbol of higher ideals, of beauty.

By getting rid of men, you're losing
half of yourselves!

Don't violate the laws of nature!
