Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Long time, Doc.
Yeah. Anybody been looking for me?
I have, but what's the use?
What'll it be?

- Altair water.
- That's not your usual poison.

To expect one to order poison
in a bar is not logical.

Got it.
To your planet, welcome.
- I think that's my line, stranger.
- Oh, forgive.

I here am new. But you are known,
being McCoy from Enterprise.

- You have me at a disadvantage, sir.
- I name not important.

You seek I. Message received.
Available ship stands by.
How much and how soon?
How soon is now. How much is where.
- Somewhere in the Mutara Sector.
- Oh, Mutara restricted!

Take permits many. Money more.
There aren't going to be
any damn permits!

How can you get a permit
to do a damn illegal thing?

Look... Price you name, money I got!
Place you name, money I name,
otherwise bargain, no.

All right, dammit! Genesis. The name
of the place we're going is Genesis!
