The Last Starfighter

Hey, listen. I can't take
a present from you, Centauri.

Oh, ho-ho-ho-- He reduces me to poverty
again and he thinks I'm giving him a present.

- What a world this is.
- What is it, then?

It's a second chance, my boy!
If you change your mind,
just tap the communo-crystals.

- Keep it.
- Ahh, Alex, Alex!

You're walking away
from history. History!

Did Chris Columbus say
he wanted to stay home? No!

What if the Wright Brothers
thought that only birds should fly?

- And did Geloca think the Yulus were too
ugly to save? - Who's Geloca?

Never mind.
Listen, Centauri.
I'm not any of those guys.

- I'm a kid from a trailer park.
- If that's what you think...

then that's all you'll ever be!
Hey, Maggie!
Listen to me. You're not
going to believe this.

I told you, Alex. Me and my--
how did you put it--

strange sexual urges
aren't talking to you anymore.
