This Is Spinal Tap

Atlanta, Georgia

All those arguments about touring...
We belong on tour.

All that stuff about you being
too old and being too white...

What about the album, lan?
This is beginning to be a refrain here.

There's no way
to promote something that doesn't exist.

It's just that they're
just experimenting with, er,

with new packaging materials.
They got monkeys opening it?

The other thing is
that the Boston gig has been cancelled.

I wouldn't worry about it.
It's not a big college town.

You boys got an album
coming out or anything?

Smell The Glove. It should be out...
- Smell The Glove?
- Smell The Glove, yeah.

- Provocative title.
- Wait till you see the cover.

Very provocative indeed.
Bobbi, can I tear you away from all this?
- Do you have a drink?
- I don't really need one.

But, um, listen. I really do have to
talk to you a bit about this...

lan, just tell me what's on your mind.
- The issue of the cover.
- Yeah.

Um... we, er, I mean, we feel,
and it seems to be fact,

that the company's rather down
on the cover. Is that the case?

- Yes.
- You can give it to me straight.

Listen... they don't like the cover.
- Well, that's straight.
- They find it offensive and sexist.

What do you find offensive?
lan, you put a greased,
naked woman on all fours

with a dog collar around her neck
and a leash,

and a man's arm extended out up to here
holding onto the leash and pushing
a black glove in her face to sniff it.

You don't find that offensive and sexist?
- This is 1982!
- That's right, it's 1982.

We don't have this mentality any more.
You should've seen the cover
they wanted to do!

This is something you have to talk about.
- We're not laying down any conditions...
- A sexy cover isn't why an album sells.
