Top Secret!

Trust me. You must come with me.
I don't know what trouble you're in,
but don't worry about me.

I'm a guest of the government.
I can explain everything.

But you're mistaken. They'll put you in...
Go while you still can.
They can't do anything to me.

Martin, boy am I glad to see you.
I've been here 20 minutes already.

Nick, I've tried everything.
The Embassy, the German Government,
the consulate.

I even talked to the UN Ambassador.
It's no use.

I just can't bring my wife to orgasm.
That's a shame, Martin.
Have you tried one of these?
Thanks. I'll give it a whirl.
I'm getting worried about this place.
I don't think they've even heard of a trial.

All I know is, after you left the cafe
last night, I met a girl.

Later at the ballet she was alone.
Then I see this guy with a gun at her head.
He's looking like he's gonna kill her
and might have if I hadn't stepped in.

There's got to be someone you can call,
to straighten this mess out.

I figure they've got to let you out
for your concert, Friday night.

They're beaming it live by satellite
to 85 countries.

Just relax and remember,
there's nothing to worry about.
