Top Secret!

Thanks. I'll give it a whirl.
I'm getting worried about this place.
I don't think they've even heard of a trial.

All I know is, after you left the cafe
last night, I met a girl.

Later at the ballet she was alone.
Then I see this guy with a gun at her head.
He's looking like he's gonna kill her
and might have if I hadn't stepped in.

There's got to be someone you can call,
to straighten this mess out.

I figure they've got to let you out
for your concert, Friday night.

They're beaming it live by satellite
to 85 countries.

Just relax and remember,
there's nothing to worry about.

We wish to impress upon you, Mr Rivers,
that we have methods of dealing
with those who will not cooperate.

For the last time,
why did you attack Sergeant Kruger?

I didn't know who it was.
I just saw him pull a gun on a girl.

Might I remind you, Mr Rivers, the penalty
for murder is death by firing squad.

Let us hope for your sake
that Sergeant Kruger survives.

It is the hospital, mein General.
What is the condition of Sergeant Kruger?
I see. Let me know if there
is any change in his condition.

He is dead.
You leave me no alternative,
but to introduce two of my associates.
