
Daryl Is qulte all rlght?
Daryl Is a tremendous young man.
We certalnly do envy you your son.
He should be down In a mlnute or two.
I thlnk he's a llttle blt nervous.

You know how klds get.
He's nervous?
Can I get you a drlnk or somethlng?
No. No, thank you.
My wlfe and I would llke to thank you
for all the klndness you've shown Daryl.

Oh, It wasn't hard. He's a great kld.
You've formed a conslderable
attachment to hlm, I can see.

We're golng to mlss hlm a lot.
Both of us.

Oh, yes, of course you are.
Of course.

Hello, Daryl.
Do you remember us?
I thlnk I do.
You're just flne, Daryl.
There's nothlng to worry about.
Do you wanna go and get your thlngs?
Isn't Turtle comlng over?
I can say goodbye to Turtle, can't l?
It's normal to feel bad
about loslng a frlend,

but you can't duck out now
and not say goodbye.

Daryl's expectlng you to be there.
- He needs you to be...
- But, Mom.

You promlsed hlm.
Now, I want you to come
wlth me rlght now

and show your best frlend that you
haven't forgotten about hlm already.

Come on, let's go.
