European Vacation

The Pig in a Poke itinerary is just great.
It's down to the exact minute.
We won't miss a thing.

Why don't we forget the itinerary
and play it by ear?

Like normal people.
We're not normal people.
We're the Griswalds.

I saved the big surprise for last.
We're turning around?
No, we're visiting my relatives in Germany.
Not if we don't vote for it.
- You'll vote for it.
- Why should I?

Because I raised your allowance.
I think I'm going to like
this democracy stuff.

Something to drink?
- No, thank you.
- I'll have a Coke.

Do you want that in the can?
No, I'll have it right here.
Push "French."
- Give me a French word.
- Soufflé.

Soufflé. All right. Push "English."
Instant translation. Soufflé means...
It's got to mean something else.

The Lord and Lady Poncenby Smythe.
The Lady Amelia Spicer
and the Baron von Richtshofen.

Mr. And Mrs. Clark and Ellen Griswald.
He came.
Hey, Chuck.
