
...with the Evil One
The dark powers of hell...
...spat up a terrible curse,
and you have seen it working.

By day, Isabeau is the beautiful
bird you brought to me.

And by night, as you
have already guessed...

...the voice of the
wolf that we hear...

:51:32 the cry of Navarre.
Poor dumb creatures, with no memory of
the half-life of their human existence

never touching in the flesh.
Only the anguish of a split
second at sunrise and sunset...

...when they can almost touch...
...but not.
always together...
eternally apart...

As long as the sun rises and sets,
as long as there is day and night

and for as long as
they both shall live.

You have stumbled onto a
tragic story, Phillipe Gaston.

And now, whether
you like it or not...

:52:17 are lost in it,
with the rest of us.

All of them.
My traps are full.
I can’t kill every wolf that lives. Since
the plague there are more wolves then men.
