Miami Supercops

Steve, he'll be so happy to see you.
-See me?
-He's coming home early tonight.

Listen, Carol...
I know when these things happen
it comes as a terrible shock...

-but I'm a bit--
-That'll be him. Excuse me.

Hello? Yes, honey.
Not those young hoods again?
It was Doug? Tell him hi from me.
Honey, you'll never guess who's here.
No, it'll be a surprise.
You're going to be late?
Never mind, honey. Bye.
He said he'll be... Steve? Isn't that strange.
Can I help?
-Did they take anything from you?
-No, thanks.

-Do you wanna file charges?
-No, thanks.

Can I help you, sir? Can I help you?
Sir, wait a minute. Where are you going?
Hi, Steve. What took you so long?
I was waiting for you.
