Summer Rental

- 14-13.
- We're next, Dad.

Relax. Control's the thing.
- I know.
- If you get in trouble, pass it to me.

Your hands and my height,
we'll destroy them!

- Are you ready, mister?
- Yeah, we're ready. Let's go!

- Let's go! Let's eat them up!
- Go, team!

Best 2 out of 3?
You're being too hard on yourself.
You haven't played volleyball for years.

Yeah? Why don't you tell that to Bobby?
I embarrassed him for life. Right now,
he's wishing you were a widow.

Have a grape.
I think your blood sugar's low.

That's it! How could I be so stupid?
Of course!
I'm a sailor.
I'm a great sailor!
I'll take my son sailing!
- Excuse me, you rent sailboats here?
- We sure do.

All right!
We want to take a look at them.

They're all rented for the next two weeks.
Everyone's practising for the regatta.

I want to teach my son to sail.
Is there another place we can rent one?

There's one.
Maties, which boat will it be?
Tough choice, isn't it?
What about a big one like this?
- Without the crud on it.
- Young 'un, it's crustaceous morticus.

Pejoratively referred to as barnacle.
She was a fast lady in her day.

I'm sure. We'll take the 12-footer here.
That's a fine choice.
You're your own ballast in that vessel.

That's good. Puts a little sport into it.
Come on. Here we go.

- Ready to cast off?
- You bet!

You get a free lesson with each rental.
Yorku, I'll take them out.
