The Coca-Cola Kid

Let us look
at available charts...

of crosscheck points
and social activities...

of our selling outlets,
shall we?

Excuse me, please.
Sorry, boss.
Frank, have them
take it back again.

Take it back, Fred.
Well, how far back do you want?
As far as it takes, Fred.
Could you take that back,
please, Daryl.

Fred, give me a break.
The other way.


Frank, what is that
wide gap there?

ls that a per capita
consumption chart?

Yes, that's right.
l don't know what's there.
Must be a national park
or maybe a desert.

We should be selling in
national parks and in deserts.

People tend to get thirsty
in deserts, Fred.

Maybe it's uninhabited.
l have a hunch there must be
somebody there.

All right.
Take me in for a closer look.

Give me churches...
schools, bars...
Oh, that would be
Anderson Valley.

supermarkets, cemeteries.

See? There is
a living population there.

A few thousand maybe.
lt's pretty isolated.

Well, they have throats.
l mean,
they must drink something.

There used to be a soft-drink
man down there, but...

that was a long time ago now--
Well, what the hell is he,
Frank, a Pepsi man?
