The Color Purple

What should I do about Sofia?
Beat her.
You told Harpo to beat me!
It was that mule, Old Joey.
Old Joey, the mule.

I was plowing the north field
and the mule went crazy.

He started kicking.
Busted my eye and my lip.

All my life I had to fight.
I had to fight my daddy,
I had to fight my uncles.

I had to fight my brothers.
Girl child ain't safe
in a family of mens.

But I never thought I had
to fight in my own house!

I loves Harpo.
God knows I do.
But I'll kill him dead
before I let him beat me!

That's a hoof print.
It's a fist print.
No, sir. Ain't no fist touched my face.
You want a dead son-in-law,
Miss Celie?

You keep on advising
him like you're doing.

This life be over soon.
Heaven last always.

You should bash Mister's head open
and think about heaven later.
