The Color Purple

I had to fight my brothers.
Girl child ain't safe
in a family of mens.

But I never thought I had
to fight in my own house!

I loves Harpo.
God knows I do.
But I'll kill him dead
before I let him beat me!

That's a hoof print.
It's a fist print.
No, sir. Ain't no fist touched my face.
You want a dead son-in-law,
Miss Celie?

You keep on advising
him like you're doing.

This life be over soon.
Heaven last always.

You should bash Mister's head open
and think about heaven later.

Sofia beat on Harpo.
Then Harpo beat on Sofia.
And then,
Sofia beat on Harpo some more.

In between the beatings,
the children keep coming.

And then one day, Sofia
can't take it no more.

Good riddance!
