The Return of the Living Dead

Fast on the draw.
.You are working late tonight.
.Pretty much. Kind of....

What time is it? You want a cup of coffee?
.No, thank you. l'm all right.
.l do, and l need it.

What are you doing there?
Breaking out the rigor mortis.
Come here.
Come on.
You see, rigor mortis starts in the brain.

And it spreads down to the internal organs,
and it finally settles in the muscles.

lt loosens up after a while...
...but you can break it out manually,
as they say...

:27:48 flexing the muscles.
.See that?

You'll not find that in a book, my friend.
The embalming business is basically
passed on by word of mouth.

l'll tell you, that's fascinating,
that's really something.

He's dead now. And l am bushed.
Buddy boy.
How long we been friends?
About how long?

Twenty.five years, give or take.
lf l ask you a favor,
could you keep it quiet?

Sure. What is it?
l'm gonna need some help
in a pretty big way, really.

You can depend on me.
Why? What's wrong?

l got a couple of my men out here,
you mind if l let them in?

No, that's illegal.
You can bring it on in now, please.
You can put it right over here. Right here.
What is that?
.Right there, please.
