The Return of the Living Dead

He's dead now. And l am bushed.
Buddy boy.
How long we been friends?
About how long?

Twenty.five years, give or take.
lf l ask you a favor,
could you keep it quiet?

Sure. What is it?
l'm gonna need some help
in a pretty big way, really.

You can depend on me.
Why? What's wrong?

l got a couple of my men out here,
you mind if l let them in?

No, that's illegal.
You can bring it on in now, please.
You can put it right over here. Right here.
What is that?
.Right there, please.

l got to....
What the hell's in those bags?
Rabid weasels.
What the hell are you doing
with a bunch of rabid weasels?

l was trying to explain it.
They came as a shipment.

They weren't supposed to be rabid,
but you know how these things happen.

l don't. How do they happen?
Watch out, don't get bit.
Anyway, we got them,
and we need your help.

.We got to get rid of these things.

Why don't you call an animal shelter?
Word'd get out, hurt my business.
You know, that's a bad scene, rabies.

l don't think so.
l mean, so what?
You don't run a pet store.

Some lab animals got rabies.
Come on, take them to the pound.

l just can't do that.
You got to take my word for it.

.What the hell do you want me to do?
.You have a crematorium, right?

.You wanna burn them?
.That's what l had in mind.
